Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Discuss Speaking of Courage and Notes
How do driver-less cars work?

Read "Self-driving cars: who's building them and how do they work?"

Create three note cards (summary, paraphrase, quote) for this article reflecting on these issues:
  • Describes how self-driving cars work,
  • Discusses what the current problems and limitations are, and
  • Explains how this new technology is being put to use in the world today.

1 comment:

  1. Good day everyone reading this, My name is Sarah Keith and I am from the USA. I want to give a short testimony on how I was able to get a legit blank ATM card! As at last week I urgently needed money to pay my kids bills and get some stuffs for the home, I was having no where to get any help so I was online and I saw a post that Mr Alexander is giving out blank ATM card, So I have to give them a try because I needed money urgently I copied his email address and sent her a personal message applying for the blank card, I got a reply from him and I sent them all what they asked me to my greatest surprise they really delivered the card to me in my door steps, I got the card and went straight to the nearest ATM machine to give a try and it really works,I made a lot of money from the card!! Now am doing great and living good life with my family please if you are out there in need of help urgently please contact Mr Alexander  via
